Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Ten Grounds For Divorce In Connecticut

In Connecticut, you only need to prove an irretrievable breakdown of the marriage to obtain a divorce.  In the event you wish to allege another ground, there are ten (10) grounds for divorce listed in Connecticut General Statutes §46b-40.  These ten grounds are:
1. Irretrievable breakdown of marriage;
2. Living apart due to incompatibility for a continuous period of 18 months and there is no prospect of reconciliation;
3. Adultery;
4. Fraudulent contract;
5. Willful desertion for one year;
6. Seven years’ absence;
7. Habitual intemperance;
8. Intolerable cruelty;
9. Sentence to imprisonment for life or the commission of any infamous crime involving a violation of conjugal duty and punishable by imprisonment for a period in excess of one year;
10. Legal confinement in a hospital or institution because of mental illness.
The court may enter a dissolution of a marriage upon a finding that any of the above has occurred.

For a general overview about divorce, please refer to our four part series of articles on the Flaherty Legal Group Blog titled "DIVORCE: Basics - Money - Process - Parenting".  

Attorney James Flaherty of Flaherty Legal Group and Attorneys Pamela Magnano and Sandi Girolamo practice divorce and family law in West Hartford, CT
Attorney Pamela Magnano practices Divorce and Family Law with Attorney James Flaherty 
and Attorney Sandi Girolamo at Flaherty Legal Group in West Hartford, CT.